17 Apr 2023
by Amanda Vigneau, Chris Hillebrand, Joel Pettigrew

All-Gender Restrooms: Embracing Change in the Built Environment - JCAPS Vol. 5 Issue 2

As architects and designers, we face design challenges that are rooted in the built condition. In our collaboration with student activities professionals, the effective use of space to service, engage, and welcome the campus community is at the forefront of design and planning discussions. We must consider the social implications of our physical designs that evolve as social and cultural norms change. One such topic of extended conversation is the all-gender restroom which has been a topic of conversation in the projects we are designing over the last decade. This piece will help bridge the gap between student affairs practitioners and architectural designers with information and understanding of how code influences the design of all gender restrooms, so that campus communities are better prepared to advocate for their needs in building all gender restrooms.