Dr. Adam Peck Research Grants

Advancing Research in Campus Activities

The Dr. Adam Peck Research Grants are designed to advance the field of campus activities by encouraging the development and distribution of knowledge that has potential to improve the experiences of college students through their involvement in campus activities. The research grants are named in honor of Dr. Adam Peck, who we lost in September 2022. Dr. Peck was a true giant in the field of Student Affairs and a longtime NACA volunteer. During his 25 years in Student Affairs, he dedicated much of his career to advancing research and scholarship in the field of campus activities and we hope this recognition serves to honor and continue that legacy.

Applications for research grants are now open! Apply by Friday, Oct. 18.


Faculty, staff and graduate students who plan to conduct research on issues related to campus activities and student engagement are eligible to apply. Individual researchers and cross-institutional research teams are encouraged to apply. The following individuals are not eligible: NACA staff, current members of the Board of Directors and Foundation Board of Trustees, as well as current volunteers of the NACA Research & Practice Group.

Gold Scholar Award

One individual researcher or research team may be selected for the Gold Scholar Award package.  This package includes the following:

  • $2500 stipend to support research activities, payable either directly to individual researcher or to the primary researcher's institution. NACA will not pay institutional overhead or indirect costs.

  • Travel expenses paid to attend NACA® Live for up to two persons from the research team.  Travel will be coordinated by the NACA® Office.

  • Registration fees for the NACA® Live waived for two persons from the research team to present research findings.

  • Priority consideration for publication by NACA.

  • Announcement on the NACA® website, in the NACA® Spotlight e-newsletter, and in other NACA® publications.

Gold Scholar Recipient Expectations

  • Recipients are required to prepare a presentation about the findings of their research, even if preliminary, for a NACA® webinar or an upcoming NACA® conference.

  • Within two months of research completion, submit a summary of results in a whitepaper format, which will be promoted for national visibility

  • Recipients are also encouraged to submit an article about their research to the Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship® (This does not imply automatic selection.)

Silver Scholar Award

Up to two research teams (individual researchers can be considered a team) will be selected for the Silver Scholar Award to include the following:

  • $1250 stipend per research team to support research activities, payable either directly to individual researchers or to the primary researcher's institution.  NACA will not pay institutional overhead or indirect costs.

  • Priority consideration for presentation at an upcoming NACA® conference at which the research findings will be reported. Registration fees would be waived for up to two persons per research team to present at that NACA® conference.

  • Priority consideration for publication by NACA.

  • Announcement on the NACA® website, in the NACA® Spotlight e-newsletter, and in other NACA® publications.

Silver Scholar Recipient Expectations

  • Within two months of research completion, submit a summary of results in a whitepaper format, which will be promoted for national visibility.

  • In addition, recipients are encouraged to present a NACA® webinar.

  • Recipients are also encouraged to submit an article about their research to the Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship®. (This does not imply automatic acceptance.)

Bronze Scholar Award

​Up to three research teams (individual researchers can be considered a team) will be selected for the Bronze Scholar Award to include the following:

  • $500 stipend per research team to support research activities, payable either directly to the individual researchers or through the primary researcher's institution.

  • Priority consideration for publication in the Campus Activities Programming® magazine.

  • Priority consideration for presentation at an upcoming NACA® Conference and/or NACA® webinar.

Bronze Scholar Recipient Expectations

  • Within two months of research completion, recipients are required to write an article about their research findings for the Campus Activities Programming magazine.

  • Recipients are encouraged to submit an educational session proposal for an upcoming NACA® Conference or NACA® webinar.