25 Oct 2021
by David Rosch, Adam Peck, Danielle DeSawal

An Updated Research Agenda in NACA: A Suggested Roadmap for Future Scholarship on Practice? - JCAPS Vol. 3 Issue 2

RESEARCH PLAYS A VITAL ROLE IN THE DISCIPLINE OF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES AND OUR SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. Research provided the foundation for the most significant achievements of hu- mankind. Conducting valid research can lead to new discoveries, prompt the questioning of commonly held

assumptions, and build a base from which scholars can further advance knowledge. Booth, Colomb, and Wil- liams (2017) wrote, “Without trustworthy published research, we all would be locked into the opinions of the moment, prisoners of what we alone experience or dupes to whatever we’re told” (p. 10). Certainly, it would not be difficult to find recent relevant examples of the necessity for research – nor the need for the skill to interpret and make sense of research.

While researchers within the field of student affairs and campus activities may not be doing anything quite as dramatic as attempting to put a person on the moon or cure a disease, research plays a vital role in our work. Through this endeavor, we seek to understand how students develop and grow through their participation in our programs. We can further refine how effectively we can achieve desired outcomes for our institutions – and advance the competency and professionalism of those within our field. Student learning and development have become a central focus for student affairs professionals of various disciplines in the present era. Despite this focus, many challenges remain that inhibit practitioners from bringing research and practice together.